


课程名称:Tracing the formation and differentiation of the Earth by elemental and isotope geochemistry(元素及同位素示踪地球形成与分异)

课程介绍:The Earth has grown from a chaotically mixed small particles and gases to the present highly differentiated layered structure over the past 4.567 billion years. This differentiation has led to the formation of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, crust, mantle and core. How and when these different layers formed and evolved are still not well-constrained. These talks will focus on using major and trace elements, radiogenic and stable isotopes to trace some important events and processes in the formation and differentiation of the Earth, such as origins of the early solar system, the Moon-forming giant impact, crust-mantle interactions, origins and evolution of life, and the rising oxygen level in the atmosphere. 


外教介绍:滕方振博士是美国华盛顿大学地球与空间科学学院终身正教授,美国矿物学会会士。他是RIMG vol. 82 Non-Traditional Stable Isotopes, and Solid Earth Sciences的主编。他还是Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, JGR- Solid Earth, American mineralogy, Science Bulletin, and Frontiers in Earth Sciences的副主编,并担任Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, and Science China编委会成员。

滕教授的研究兴趣集中在大陆地壳的组成与演化,地壳与地幔的相互作用以及太阳系的起源与演化等。为了解决这些问题,他利用非传统稳定同位素(锂、硼、镁、钾、铁、铜、锌等)分析地球以及星际物质。迄今已在Science, PNAS, Nature Communications, GCA, EPSL, Geology, Reviews in Mineralogy & Geochemistry 等发表论文百余篇。他的H-Index 41 ,总引用数大于5000.


716-717    上午8:00-12:00, 下午14:00-18:00;

718          上午:8:00-12:00.

授课地点:       校本部东院第一教学楼二楼伯声报告厅。



