发布日期: 2022-11-23 作者: 点击:[407]
序号 | 第一作者 | 论文题目 | 发表/出版时间 | 发表刊物 | 收录类别 |
1 | 丁凯 | A cyber-physical production monitoring service system for energy-aware collaborative production monitoring in a smart shop floor | 20210310 | International Journal of Cleaner Production | SCI |
2 | 曹伟 | Dynamics of lubricated spiral bevel gears under different contact paths | 20210311 | Friction,Top期刊 | SCI |
3 | 朱雅光 | Semiclosed-loop motion control with robust weld bead tracking for a spiral seam weld beads grinding robot | 20210930 | Robotics and ComputerManufacturing | SCI |
4 | Binhua Wang | Modelling and testing of Temperature-Dependent strength and toughness of asphalt concrete from 10 to 23 using small notched beams | 20210518 | Construction and Building Materials | SCI |
5 | Yanni shi | Modeling of asphalt mixture-screed interaction: A nonlinear dynamic vibration model for improving paving density | 20211025 | Construction and Building Materials | SCI |
6 | 李大涛 | Dynamic mechanical behaviour of three-dimensional random fibrous materials at high temperatures | 20210806 | Composite Structures | SCI |
7 | 王迪 | Post-buckling path and free vibration of a symmetric laminated plate vertically coupled with fluid under in-plane load | 20210728 | Composite Structures | SCI |
8 | Leilei Cao | A meshless Chebyshev collocation method for eigenvalue problems of the Helmholtz equation | 20210130 | Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements | SCI |
9 | 左浩 | Unified wavelet finite element formulation for static and vibration analysis of laminated composite shells | 20210915 | Composite Structures | SCI |
10 | 耿麒 | 全断面隧道掘进机滚刀预切槽破岩数值模拟 | 20210910 | 西安交通大学学报 | EI |
11 | 张晗 | 稀疏低秩协同正则优化及航空轴承故障诊断 | 20210623 | 西安交通大学学报 | EI |
12 | 苏进展 | 大重合度弧齿锥齿轮设计与分析 | 20210301 | 西安交通大学学报 | EI |
13 | 曹蕾蕾 | 基于人工神经网络的声子晶体逆向设计 | 20210817 | 力学学报 | EI |
14 | 惠记庄 | 公路桥梁钢结构工厂化制造多属性 | 20210601 | 中国公路学报 | EI |
15 | 李嘉 | 变汽液比条件下高速燃油离心泵非定常特性分析研究 | 20210901 | 上海交通大学学报 | EI |
16 | 肖茹 | 基于模糊理论的沥青路面热风加热多参数优化 | 20210804 | 中国公路学报 | EI |
17 | 苏进展 | 内齿轮刮齿刀修形设计及优化 | 20211110 | 西安交通大学学报 | EI |
18 | 顾海荣 | 负载敏感液压系统压力冲击原因与抑制方法 | 20210515 | 中国公路学报 | EI |
19 | Wang, Qiao | State of Charge Estimation for Lithium-Ion Battery Based on NARX Recurrent Neural Network and Moving Window Method | 20210616 | Ieee Access | SCI |
20 | Zhao, Lingying | Mixing uniformity of particles in a double barrel with differential velocity based on the discrete element method. | 20211001 | Powder Technology | SCI |
21 | 左浩 | 基于导波传播模型的MUSIC损伤识别算法 | 20210615 | 航空学报 | EI |
22 | 钟京洋 | Transition characteristics for a small tail-sitter unmanned aerial vehicle | 20211009 | Chinese Journal of Aeronautics | SCI |
23 | Shuangge Yang | Size effect on quasi-brittle fracture pertinent to microstructure and plastic limit | 20210801 | Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics | SCI |
24 | 申彦斌 | Bi⁃LSTM 神经网络用于轴承剩余使用寿命 | 20210401 | 振动工程学报 | EI |
25 | 朱雅光 | Design, analysis, and neural control of a bionic parallel mechanism | 20210721 | Front. Mech. Eng. | SCI |
26 | 高康平 | Weak fault feature extraction for polycrystalline diamond compact bit based on ensemble empirical mode decomposition and adaptive stochastic resonance | 20210326 | Measurement | SCI |
27 | 万一品 | 装载机工作装置载荷数据模型与载荷谱编制 | 20210415 | 振动测试与诊断 | EI |
28 | 曹蕾蕾 | 基于实测数据的挖掘机工作装置疲劳寿命评估 | 20210818 | 华南理工大学学报(自然科学版) | EI |
29 | 李嘉 | 燃油离心泵多目标优化设计及仿真分析 | 20210301 | 推进技术 | EI |
30 | 李旋 | 沥青路面红外热风复合式加热效果数值计算分析 | 20210720 | 东南大学学报(自然科学版) | EI |
31 | 张晨光 | 厂拌热再生滚筒顺流与逆流加热工艺对比研究 | 20201123 | 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版) | EI |
32 | 杨延璞 | 群体共识驱动的文化创意产品交互式配色设计方法研究 | 20211015 | 西北工业大学学报 | EI |
33 | 杨延璞 | 基于犹豫模糊语言术语集和粒子群优化算法的产品造型设计感性评价方法 | 20210801 | 图学学报 | EI |
34 | 杨延璞 | 产品造型设计多阶段网络耦合决策方法研究 | 20210615 | 图学学报 | EI |