主讲人:Christopher Rieger教授
题 目:Ecology and the Great Depression in Literature of the U.S. South
Ph.D. Louisiana State University, 2002
M. A. Louisiana State University, 1997
Academic Appointments
Director, Center for Faulkner Studies 2013-present
Southeast Missouri State University (Assistant Director, 2007-12)
As Director, I work in conjunction with Special Collections & Archives to facilitate access to the Louis D. Brodsky Collection. I work with scholars from around the world, both electronically and in person, to assist with Faulkner research. The Center hosts a number of visiting scholars for visits of a few days up to one year, including many from Japan and China. Other duties include budget management, media relations, editing theTeaching Faulknernewsletter, creation and maintenance of two Faulkner MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), and supervision of graduate assistants. These graduate students assist with archival projects, edit books, maintain our web site, aid visiting scholars, and edit the newsletter. I organize lectures by visiting scholars, work with the Digital Yoknapatawpha Project, and give tours of the Brodsky Collection, as well as direct the biannual “Faulkner and” conference.
Professor of English 2016-present
Associate Professor of English 2012-2016
Assistant Professor of English 2007-2012
Southeast Missouri State University, Cape Girardeau, MO
Assistant Professor of English 2003-2007
Westminster College, Fulton, MO
Graduate Teaching Assistant /Postdoctoral Appointment 1997-2003
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA