主讲人:英国雷丁大学 张晓兰 副教授
题目:Corrective Feedback
主讲人:广东外语外贸大学英语语言文化学院副院长 冯光武 教授
Xiao Lan Curdt-Christiansen is Associate professor in applied linguistics and the deputy director of PhD programme at the Institute of Education (IoE), University of Reading, UK. Her research interests encompass ideological, policy and socio-cultural-cognitive perspectives on language learning with particular focus on multilingualism and multilingual education. Obtained her PhD from McGill University, Montreal, Canada, she has been actively involved in research projects on topics of bilingual education and biliteracy development in mainstream classrooms, heritage language schools, and ethnic communities in Canada, France, Singapore, Norway and the UK. She is the guest editor of a special issue on Family Language Policy for Language Policy and an associate editor of International Journal of Learning. Her most recent books are entitled: Learning Chinese in Diasporic Communities (published by John Benjamins); The Politics of Textbook in Language Education, with Csilla Weninger (Routledge). Her publications have appeared in Language Policy; Canadian Modern Language Review; Cambridge Journal of Education; International Journal of Bilingualism and Bilingual Education; Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development; Journal of Early Childhood Literacy; Language and Education; English Quarterly; Language, Culture and Curriculum; Sociolinguistic Studies, Heritage Language Journal, etc.
冯光武,博士、教授、博士研究生导师、美国富布莱特研究学者、教育部高等学校英语类专业教学指导分委员会秘书长、广东外语外贸大学英语语言文化学院副院长。学术背景-冯光武教授1985年毕业于四川外语学院英语系,获文学学士学位;1990年入广州外国语学院英语系,1993年毕业于,获语言学硕士学位;2000年入英国利兹大学语言学系,2001年毕业,获语言学硕士学位;2002年起在英国雷丁大学攻读博士学位,师从著名语言学家黄衍教授,2006年毕业,获语言学方向哲学博士学位;2011至2012年,应美国国务院邀请,作为富布莱特研究学者在美国耶鲁大学从事语言哲学领域的合作研究,师从著名语言哲学家Laurence Horn教授。研究兴趣-冯光武教授的主要研究兴趣是日常语言哲学、语用学、语义学、英语教育改革和英语高考试题命制等。在国内外学术期刊发表论文数十篇,其中多篇在Journal of Pragmatics、Language Sciences、 Pragmatics & Cognition等国际主流语言学期刊发表,其学术专著A Theory of Conventional Implicature and Pragmatic Markers in Chinese由国际著名学术出版机构 Emerald Group Publishing Limited出版,并获广东省优秀社科成果二等奖。